Before viewing and using this site, it is advised that you carefully read and agree the Terms and Conditions. The terms and conditions for using this website are fully explained on this page.
Terms and Conditions
It is best advised not to visit this site for further exploration if you don't agree to abide by the terms and conditions. Anyone discovered to be breaking the rules of this website will be treated as a criminal and hence subject to legal action.
Terms of Use
Without giving consumers any previous notice, the items sold on the Webbyacad website may be amended or updated in accordance with technological advancements. The exclusive owner of all copyrights to edit, modify, add, or remove information on this website is Webbyacad. Therefore, it is advised against copying, distributing, or recreating (in whole or in part) any of the information, logos, software, etc. to any third parties. Anyone found to be participating in such illicit behavior will face harsh punishment.
Future Information
We communicate with our users and customers via any electronic means. Email is the most common and practical way to communicate with them among the most popular options. We can utilize the supplied email IDs for all future references and communications when emailing with our users.
Legal Actions Breach of Terms and Conditions
Any violation of terms and conditions on the part of users is absolutely forbidden. If it is determined that you have violated the terms and conditions, we have the right to take the following severe measures against the offender.What are Terms and Conditions Agreements with Users
The following terms and conditions govern the usage of all information that Webbyacad Software Pvt. Ltd. gives to users. You accept the terms and conditions offered by Webbyacad Software Pvt. Ltd. by using the Webbyacad website or software. It will be unlawful to violate these terms and conditions, and Webbyacad Software may take legal action against the offender.
Webbyacad Software Private Limited will henceforth be referred to as "Us", "We", "Our", Webbyacad, and Webbyacad Software. The copyrighted owner of the software and all of its linked elements, including the algorithm, graphical user interface, concepts, ideas, and source code, in this case Webbyacad Software Private Limited, is the publisher. Our rights reserves apply to all related multimedia assets. All programs, texts, music, video, photographs, concept ideas, etc. are covered by these rights.
The End User License Agreement (EULA) must be read and accepted before the product may be installed and used.
Activation of License
To activate any license, you require the Online Activation Key and Order number. As soon as the payment procedure is over, the system instantly sends these credentials to your registered email address. Please get in touch with our support team if you experience any issues with the activation key.
Our most valuable resources are the offline and online keys. If the license does not allow it, you are not allowed to share the information with any third parties in order to keep it all secure and private.
Only after entering the valid Activation Key and Order Number will the license become active. Without inserting the unauthorized credentials, any unauthorized effort to activate a license will be considered illegal behavior and is absolutely forbidden.
Webbyacad Software retains all ownership rights. Any act of mistreating or injuring Webbyacad Software's exclusive property will be considered a breach of the copyright statute and is strictly prohibited. Applications may not be "modified," "released," "decompiled," "translated," "disassemble," "reverse-engineered," or "to get the programming source code."
Disclaimers of Warranties and Liabilities:
By signing, you understand that, despite the software's best efforts, the following is true regarding the scope of data recovered, output obtained after completing a task, and other related tasks carried out by the software: Webbyacad makes no warranty claims. Additionally, you are aware that a variety of intrinsic and extrinsic elements, such as a machine, an internet connection, and data variables, have an impact on the environment and output. The end-user licensing agreement includes a clause that expressly disclaims any implied warranties.
Additionally, we never permit anyone to use our software on a device or in a situation where a performance issue might arise. You acknowledge that software cannot be checked for any unforeseen impacts or outcomes. By doing this, you agree that Webbyacad Software is exempt from any liability arising from how the work was carried out by you.
Software/Products and Services
There are terms and conditions for each of the goods and services supplied on this website. We shall not be in any way liable if you experience any problems with the program. Before installing software over an Internet connection, it is recommended that you install antivirus protection on your computer. The software is downloaded, installed, and used at the user's own risk. It's conceivable that your computer could become infected with a virus or another harmful application if you download one of our programs from a third-party website or software provider platform.
Trademarks, Legals and Copyrights
We own and have the copyright to all the manuals and publications on our website. As per copyright rules, Webbyacad is the exclusive owner of all rights. Manuals and papers may not be copied again without Webbyacad's consent. Such an effort will result in harsh legal action being taken against the culprit.
Third-party trademarks and copyrights
The owners of each of the following trademarks are mentioned below. Please notify us as quickly as possible if any trademark credit is missing, incomplete, or erroneous so that we can correct it.
Microsoft, Gmail, Amazon, Linkedin, GMX, QQMail, Godaddy, Apple, iCloud, Zimbra, IBM, HCL, Mozilla, Opera, Facebook, Adobe, Yahoo, AOl, and more companies are also included in this list.